Team Pie- 3WA Knitting Olympics Team

3WA does the knitting olympics! We're members of a completely serious, no snark ever allowed discussion board who enjoy knitting granny squares and ridiculously complicated floral intarsia smocked dresses for our perfect children. OK. We're a bunch of smartassed snarkmeisters who knit, curse, joke, and blather.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Hi, my name is jess, and I am a knitaholic

I have no fewer than 3 projects on the needles already, and another just needing blocking and buttons, so I need more projects like a hole in my head (and I have a few of those already). But I love a challenge, and can't let there be Team Pie without me.

So: one of my recent projects was a Hanukkah gift for the 3WA goddess Sara Astruc, a knitted penis that could be tied onto the forehead. The origins of the Forehead Cock are shrouded in the mysteries of time (AKA jess is old and forgetful). I was joking with Sara that I could knit her a prosthetic forehead cock, which she thought was hilarious. I mentioned this to my husband, who instantly double-dog dared me to knit one.

So, I did. And it is a marvel of knitted engineering, complete with pubic hair and scrotum, involving circular knitting, short rows, i-cord, a sock heel and felting. However, I was in such a hurry to finish it that I neglected to write much of the pattern down. So, in the spirit of taking on a challenge during the Knitting Olympics, and because several people want the pattern, I am going to recreate this wonder AND WRITE DOWN EVERY SINGLE STEP. And then, if I have any more time, I'll make as many children's hats/mittens as I can from my stash for the Dulaan Project.

In the meantime, I can tell you about my current projects:

- a corset top, in purple tussah silk from Artfibers (a birthday gift), just needs reblocking and buttons

- an almost completed multidirectional purse, my own pattern, in Noro Silk Garden, for my sister

- a Mermaid in colourway 5, (kit was another birthday gift)

- and a Mary Poppins scarf in Kidsilk Haze and Douceur et Soie for a friend

My name is jess, and I am a knitaholic.


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