Team Pie- 3WA Knitting Olympics Team

3WA does the knitting olympics! We're members of a completely serious, no snark ever allowed discussion board who enjoy knitting granny squares and ridiculously complicated floral intarsia smocked dresses for our perfect children. OK. We're a bunch of smartassed snarkmeisters who knit, curse, joke, and blather.

Friday, February 24, 2006

14 days. 2 me sized sweaters done. Inch and a quarter into a baby hat. BOOYAH. Pics soon. Promise.

Edited: As promised:


Beth is done in Rowan Ribbon Twist (yes I went and straightened out the collar after taking the pic). That extended collar hangs back like not hoodish hoodie. Jude is in black (apparently known as 'Savage' to the Rowan people) Biggy Print.



A closeup of the Beth. I have to say I like this colourway, as it kind of reminds me of chain mail.



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